Knauf aquapanel interior cement board drywall for wet areas knauf aquapanel interior cement board is an extremely durable tile backer providing peace of mind in wet indoor. It is critical that you use the exterior grade board and are not tempted by the cost of the interior grade board. Knauf pro le aquapanel cement board outdoor knauf sinus exible uconnection pro le cement board outdoor radius r of curved wall anchoring knauf uw pro le aquapanel tape 10 cm aquapanel joint filler grey concave shape convex shape visible sidev isible side d d radius radius. When fitting knauf aquapanel exterior, ensure that the vertical joints are centrally aligned to the board below. Ideal for receiving a plaster finish or for direct decoration. On that same sticker there is an illustrated set of instructions that tell the. Kan ogsa anvendes til andre omrader, hvor man onsker en ekstra st. Due to its resistance to water and mould, this is the recommended tile substrate for all wet and damp areas and is ideal for ceramic cladding even with single layer installation. Manufactured from glass fibre reinforced cement, it is highly impact resistant. Aquapanel cement board skylite is used for suspended ceilings in damp and wet rooms and for suspended ceilings and soffits in exterior applications.
Resistant to mould and mildew, knauf aquapanel interior will not deteriorate in water. Aquapanel plasterboard join the original plasterers. Lataa ikkunaliittyma, puuranka pdf lataa ikkunaliittyma, terasranka dwg lataa ikkunaliittyma, terasranka pdf. The aquapanel exterior cement board system developed by knauf aquapanel is the ideal selection for architect and contractor.
Aquapanel exterior silicon synthetic resin plaster white. Build exterior walls faster using drylining methods. Aquapanel will not rot or warp and performs well in wet and humid areas such as showers and bathrooms. Knauf aquapanel exterior norstone stone cladding uk. Furthermore, aquapanel cement board outdoor can also serve as a substrate for ceramic and other linings as well as thermal insulation composite systems etics. Etusivu suunnittelijoille rakennekirjasto aquapanel outdoor referenssit. Castleoak group have saved both time and money with early specification of knauf aquapanel exterior at the design stage of a 60bed care home in winnersh designers were able to reduce the size and weight requirements of the foundations due to lightweight performance of the knauf aquapanel exterior panels, compared to brick and block construction. Aquapanel outdoor est une solution disolation thermique par lexterieur nouvelle. A single layer of aquapanel with studs at 600mm centres can support up to 50kgm2 of tiles. Knauf aquapanel exterior reinforcing tape is a 200mm wide meshed glass fabric.
Aquapanel maxi screws have been specially developed for fixing aquapanel cement board indoor on to metal and timber substructures. It is a robust, noncombustible building panel and helps to form equally strong but significantly thinner structures, which provides more interior space in buildings. Knauf aquapanel exterior cement boards provide a solid, dry base that can. Aquapanel exerior cement board discount build supplies. Find datablad med yderligere vejledning under downloads. It is an ideal substrate for directly applied render finishes and can be used for exterior walls in ventilated systems,exterior ceilings and soffits. Page 2 aquapanel exterior cement board knauf discount. The screws should be spaced 250 mm or less in all directions, keeping a distance of at least 15 mm from the edge of the board. Aquapanel is a specialist tile backing board for both floors and walls. Discussion in plastering and rendering started by andersonc, 27 apr 2008.
Aquapanel exterior basecoat is a cementbound, synthetic resinenhanced basecoat. Pour fixation des plaques dans fourrures ou montants. Je nach anforderung kann eine einlagige oder mehrlagige beplankung ausgefuhrt werden. It has excellent quality, and is the best product substituting bricks, stones and other traditional. If used externally, the interior board will fail the exterior board offers an extremely robust render system for timber frame applications. Which is why knauf aquapanel interior for walls comes with a 10 year product warranty. Im trying to find out how to fit aquapanel and from various places it seems that battening the walls is the best thing so that i can get them plumb etc the. Knauf aquapanel exterior is ideal for use on timber frame, timber battens, sip systems and metal framed structures. Because the aquapanel that i bought did not come with knaufs installation advice.
It is used for basecoating aquapanel cement board outdoor when finishing with a thin layer of finishing plaster, decorative render or paint. In parttiled situations knauf aquapanel q4 finish is used to provide a smooth. In fact i had no idea that the product was produced by knauf, although looking closely i now see in very small print on the instruction label that is attached to each panel that the product is, manufactured for wickes by knauf. It is light and flexible, so it enables new design possibilities such as curved walls and complex ceiling constructions. As the aquapanel screws are longer than the screws you would use for ply you will need to know exactly where all the pipe runs are under the floor. Page 2 knauf aquapanel exterior cement board for exterior applications easy to cut and fix robust, stable substrate easily curved bba certified nhbc and premier guarantee approved knauf aquapanel exterior cement boards provide a solid, dry base that can. Knauf aquapanel interior cement board is an extremely durable tile backer providing peace of mind in wet indoor areas such as bathrooms, shower rooms and wet rooms.
Ensure there is a gap of 35mm between the boards and that the members are central behind both boards. Use a 6mm notched trowel on chipboard and use the ceramic coated aquapanel screws. Aquapanel cement board outdoor is the ideal exterior render substrate and can be used for many other surface finishes, such as paint or brick slips. Aquapanel systems are easy to install and continue to perform, even when wet. As a dry panel system, it allows you to bring dry lining advantages from interior to exterior projects. Aquapanel cement board outdoor is used is used in exterior applications for walls and ceilings as a directlyapplied watermanaged or ventilated system. Aquapanel cement board indoor trockenbau unlimited. Hi, im doing my bathroom, and have plastered, multi finish down to just over tape joining the two,using stick on ordinary sticky joint tape.
For use as cladding component in partitions and lining systems. Timto systemem resime venkovni podhledy a podbiti strech, provetravane i neprovetravane fasady, predsazene steny, oplasteni soklu budov, difuzne otevrene fasady u drevostaveb, meziokenni vlozky, sendvic pro skeletove a zdene systemy. It is mechanically fixed to the timbersteel framework and the system build up is then suitable to receive a render, paint or further exterior cladding finishes, such as slip. Aquapanel outdoor er en utrolig robust, vand og fugtbestandig byggeplade, som er specielt udviklet til underlag for puds til facadekonstruktioner. The ends are cut square and edges are reinforced for extra strength the. It is mechanically fixed to the timbersteel framework and the system build up is then suitable to receive a render, paint or further exterior cladding finishes, such as slip bricks or tiles. Am i right in thinking it should in fact have been aquapanel joint tape stuck down in tile cement.
Oberhalb des fliesenspiegels oder ganzflachig uber. Description ensure that the surfaces of the aquapanel cement board outdoor are dry and dustfree. It is embedded in knauf aquapanel exterior joint filler to reinforce exterior joints where paint or alternative finishes are to be applied on top of the basecoat, as part of the aquapanel exterior system. Knauf aquapanel exterior saves time and money with early. A fire resistant plasterboard with a pink paper face.
Knauf aquapanel exterior is a cement based approved render board suitable for external use. Because its a system, it involves clear stepbystep process from design idea to project completion. Aquapanel cement board outdoor aquapanel technologie 4 handhabung produktubersicht 6 verarbeitung. It is made of aggregated portland cement with coated glass fibre mesh embedded in back and front surfaces. The 39mm effective screw length l40mm is adequate for a double layer of boards on a metal substructure.
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